After doing a quick curation post on late night Japanese adult game shows, I knew it wouldn’t be long until I found something crazier. Could it top off the crazy handjob karaoke (tekoki karaoke) game? Probably not, but this Japanese adult game show is once again raising the bar pretty high! Not to mention, it shows a trend in how graphic late night shows are becoming. The theme of this show is literally ‘What can you fit inside your fanny?’ Already starting to sound like a kinky porn video right?! The game is called ‘Quiz Illeonaire’ and is a new project in Chakku Orosete~ya, the makers of the infamous Hand Job Karaoke game. This time, they have come back with a complete rip-off parody of the popular ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ show. But with a completely kinky approach. The rules of this Japanese adult game show are simple. The more a girl can fit into her vagina, the more money she can win! Even if it’s not your cup of tea, it is definitely a game that all Bros would be curious to watch! Check it out below!QUIZ ILLEONAIRE: A GROWING TREND IN GRAPHIC JAPANESE ADULT GAME SHOWSThe name of the game ‘Illeonaire’ comes from the words ‘Ireru’ or ‘Insert’ in Japanese and of course ‘Millionaire’ the game it’s parodying. In the game, the presenter Razor Ramon HG (Comedian pair of Razor Ramon Hard Gay), has gathered female contestants who apparently are confident in fitting big things ‘down there’. The rules are simple. Contestants must pass 4 stages, in order to reach the final stage. If they clear all the stages they win the grand prize of 1,000,000 yen. In each stage, they are given 4 items in which they choose one to put inside their vagina (behind a curtain). Of course, the items get bigger and bigger per stage. If they succeed in fitting the item inside themselves, (with the check of a female staff member) the contestant moves on to the next stage. If they don’t then they retire!

An Japanese Adult Game Show - Illeonaire Stages


Here are the items for this episode! 1st Stage: マジックペン = Marker Pen (Majikku Pen) 印鑑 = Seal Stamp (Inkan) スティックのり = Gluestick (Sutikku Nori) サイリウム = Glowstick (Sairiumu) 2nd Stage: オカリナ = Ocarina (Okarina) ズッキーニ = Zucchini (Zukki-ni) バナナ = Banana (Banana) きゅうり = Cucumber (Kyuuri) 3rd Stage: バット = Baseball Bat (Batto) リモコン = Remote Control (Rimokon) 卒業証書の筒 = Graduation Certificate Case (Sotsugyoushousho no Tsutsu) とうもろこし = Corn Cob (Toumorokoshi) 4th Stage: けん玉 = Kendama (Kendama) へちま = Sponge Cucumber (Hechima) 賀茂ナス = Round Eggplant (Kamo Nasu) フランスパン = French Baguette (Furansu Pan) Final Stage: こけし = Japanese Wooden Doll Figure (Kokeshi) 鉄アレイ = Iron Dumbell (Tetsu Arei) ボウリングのピン = Bowling Pin (Bouringu no Pin) ゴルフのドライバー Golf Driver (Gorufu Doraiba-)

An Japanese Adult Game Show - Illeonaire Check


Just like the real ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ there are ‘lifelines’ the contestant can use to help them clear a stage. Such as: Telephone: The contestant is able to call and get advice from a certain person. One Foot Stand: The contestant gets a stand to raise a leg to make the insertion easier. Anal Twice: Fit whatever item in the bum hole as well and get 2x the prize money. I have no idea why anyone would use the telephone lifeline, but the ‘Anal Twice’ lifeline is just hilarious! In addition, the presenter gives funny as English-ish calls! Similar to the WWTBAM show. Here are the translations below. ダウン・ザ・パンティ = Down the Panty インサート・ザ・ホール = Insert the Hole チェック・ザ・シャドゥ = Check the Shadow ファイナルハイッター? = Final Haitta? (Haitta is 'inserted' in Japanese)


Good shit Japan. Was hoping that the girls would get hotter after every contestant, the second contestant wasn't too bad. But burst out laughing when I saw that last chick! Chakku Orosete~ya is definitely one of my favourite Japanese Adult game shows so far. It's too bad it isn't aired regularly. I'll be keeping an eye out for more crazy, weird and hilarious Japanese Adult TV shows. Stay tuned!