Japan is an amazing place to travel and explore. The country is divided into 47 prefectures, each with its own landscapes, food, culture, and dialect. If you travel around Japan, you are bound to have a unique experience with every different area you visit. Things like, unusual food and breathtaking scenery are interesting and all. But for some bros, sometimes eye candy might be more important. Check out this survey that ranks which prefecture has the most beautiful Japanese people. But more importantly the most beautiful Japanese women!
In 2016, one of the biggest Insurance companies in Japan, Sony Life Insurance conducted research on the general public. They surveyed 4,700 men and women from across the country between 20 to 59 years old (100 people per prefecture). One survey included in this research was about physical looks. The survey asked participants ‘Do you think your prefecture has a lot of beautiful men and women?’. The direct translation was ‘Are you proud to say that your prefecture has a lot of beautiful men and women?'. When I first read through the research, I automatically ruled out the majority of the prefectures in the countryside. Because of some sort of stereotypical image, I imagined plain and boring Japanese women working in a rice field paddock. I soon found out that I was a little misguided. Here are the Top 10 prefectures that believe that their area has the most beautiful Japanese men and women. With some commentary on the results based on common Japanese opinions. Side Note: Yes, I know the survey was for ‘The Most Beautiful Men and Women’ but I’m only going to focus on the women. I doubt anyone gives a shit about Japanese men!
First of all, let’s go through the prefectures that ranked between 10th to 4th place. Remember these results are the percentage that said 'YES' there are a lot of beautiful men and women in their own prefecture. 10th Place: Hokkaido, Yamagata, and Kyoto (Tied with 6%) 8th Place: Iwate and Tokyo (Tied with 8%) 5th Place: Niigata, Hyogo, and Shimane (Tied with 9%) 4th Place: Okinawa (14%) Looking at the results of 10th to 4th place my misconception that prefectures in the countryside wouldn’t rank high, went down the toilet quick. Also, there seemed to be a trend with the northern and southern areas of Japan claiming they are more visually pleasing than others. Out of the rankings, I wasn’t surprised to see Kyoto in the Top 10. Beautiful girls from Kyoto are referred to as ‘Kyo Bijin’ (Kyoto Beauties). These beauties are classed as one of the three of ‘Nihon Sandai Bijin’ meaning ‘Japan’s Three Major Beauties’. Kyoto has always been referred to as the center of Japanese culture and tradition. Therefore, when people think of Kyoto, they think of kimono and Geisha. Girls from Kyoto have carried on this polite and sophisticated image til this day. In addition, the most beautiful characteristic of a Kyo Bijin is said to be their elegance. In regards to Tokyo, I have a feeling that the only reason it is in the Top 10 is purely due to its population. It is the capital of the country and people from all over Japan congregate there for work. Especially those looking to become rich and famous. As a result, it is just natural that the number of hot people would be above average. Anyway, moving on to the Top 3!
Fukuoka Prefecture (Kyushu Region) in southern Japan came in 3rd place with 16%. Fukuoka is one of the main centers of the Kyushu region. The Hakata area in Fukuoka is famous for cute girls and ‘Hakata Bijin’ (Hakata Beauty) which is classed as one of Japan’s Three Major Beauties. Similar to Kyoto. Hakata Bijin are well known for their clean and clear skin and for paying a lot of attention to their body and health. They are adamant with their skin care and spend a lot of money on it. The Fukuoka area is even labeled one of the biggest consumers of cosmetics and skin care goods in Japan.
Another prefecture from the south of Japan, Kumamoto Prefecture (Kyushu Region) took 2nd place with 20%. Girls from Kumamoto aren’t a part of the ‘Nihon Sandai Bijin’. Also, they are not particularly well known for their looks like Kyoto or Fukuoka. Personally, I never thought much about them before so their placing in the rankings was a surprise. However many Japanese say that people from the Kumamoto area have refined facial features such as their eyes and nose. Therefore, straying away from a stereotypical Japanese face, these distinct features are said to the reason behind their enhanced beauty. In addition, some Japanese explain that Kumamoto girls are especially very sensitive to trends and LOVE new things. They are always riding on the first wave of new fashion trends.
Last but not least, first place in the survey goes to Akita Prefecture (Tohoku Region) with 22%! Similar to Fukuoka, Akita is famous for its Akita Bijin (Akita Beauty). The main significant feature of their beauty is said to be their light and fair skin compared to other areas of Japan. This is from the cold climate of Akita which receives fewer daylight hours. In turn, resulting in girls having less exposure to the sun. In addition, due to its location on the Japanese map, Akita experienced an influx of immigrants from Russia and Europe. The entwining of culture and blood resulted in many native Akita-born Japanese with foreign genes. Compared to the average Japanese, Akita girls would have more enhanced facial and body features such as larger eyes and longer limbs.
Judging by the Top 3 and the majority of the Top 10, there seems to be a strong trend with countryside areas having the most beautiful women in Japan. The survey results are interesting but of course nowhere near exact. It is difficult to back up any of the survey participants claims and are in the end, their personal opinions. Not to mention, the survey was conducted based on ‘self-evaluation’. So, next how about we have a look at what Japanese people think of different prefectures!
Lastly, here is another similar survey carried out by J-Town Net, an online media site. This site surveyed 2835 people from around Japan and participants could choose a prefecture different from their own. Directly translated, participants were asked ‘Which prefectures have the most beautiful Japanese girls?’. Here are the results translated!
TOP 10
1st: Fukuoka (497 Votes) 2nd: Akita (458 Votes) 3rd: Hokkaido (175 Votes) 4th: Okinawa (165 Votes) 5th Tokyo (149 Votes) 6th: Niigata (144 Votes) 7th: Hyogo (102 Votes) 8th: Kumamoto (81 Votes) 9th: Ishikawa (74 Votes Tied) 9th: Kyoto (74 Votes Tied)
40th: Nara (12 Votes Tied) 40th: Okayama (12 Votes Tied) 42th: Tottori (10 Votes) 43rd: Tochigi (9 Votes Tied) 43rd: Wakayama (9 Votes Tied) 45th: Kagawa (8 Votes) 46th: Tokushima (7 Votes) 47th: Yamanashi (6 Votes) In this survey, you can once again see that the majority of the Top 10 was made up of prefectures in Japan with more countryside areas. Fukuoka prefecture got the better of Akita prefecture in this survey. Either way, both areas received an overwhelming number of votes. Once again, these results were just opinions of the general public. However, within all the trend and stereotypes there are sure to be a few hints. If so many Japanese people say that Fukuoka and Akita ETC has a lot of beautiful girls, maybe there is some truth in it. Personally, I believe that girls from Osaka are the downright Number 1 most beautiful women in Japan. Even if Osaka did poorly in the survey. I stick by opinion! But if you are ever choosing an area to visit in Japan, wouldn't you prefer to be in an area that is more known to have beautiful women? I definitely would! Who's up for making a road trip with the bros to Akita or Fukuoka?! No harm in having expectations and some hope right?