For those of you who are into cougars. Japan is the perfect place for you. For those of you who are into young-looking married women. Even better! Japanese housewives, or more specifically, lonely Japanese housewives; there are a plethora of them here in Japan. Fortunately for us foreigners, women in Japan typically look young and have super nice bodies. They’re also off the market in terms of popularity because of their age. They are undesirable in this country as men usually prefer the younger ones. Lucky you! Countless times, I encounter sexy older women and to my surprise, they turn out to be in their 40's. The notion of how Japanese people look young is strong in Japan. I have met the most charming married women in my life here. They are like wine and have refined personalities, yet, almost twice my age. Strong, assertive, and a woman who knows what she wants is very attractive. Also, I'm in my mid-twenties and often get mistaken for a mid-thirties male. With that being said, I am often a target of Japanese housewives older than me.

Lonely Japanese Housewives Yoga


Oh my god. They are a tease with their amazingly tight bodies, ageless faces, and.... husbands. Many of them don't wear their wedding rings. Japanese woman are normally on lockdown by marriage, but it seems that marriage here isn't a bond strong enough to prevent infidelity. Cheating and the like is not an uncommon thing in many societies. However, in Japan, women are quite open about it and is a widely known topic of discussion. Whereas women and housewives in America or western countries try their best to hide their dirty dark secrets, in fear of being shamed by their peers. In Japan, it's quite the opposite. Lonely Japanese housewives boast among themselves if they land themselves a boyfriend, two, or three. From being employed in a small English language school in a suburban area, the majority of my student's have been Japanese housewives. After teaching these women long enough, they have come to trust me with their secrets. During free talk, and even during lesson time, they tell me all about their discontent with their husbands. Dig further and they open up about their hidden desires and even their escapades. Here are some of my notes that I have picked up from talking with Japanese housewives every single day. By understanding why these housewives aren't being satisfied, could give you a good point of attack when you are in a spot to pick one up.

Lonely Japanese Housewives Stale Life


If you take a look at the average family in Japan, you'll know why. Here are my mental notes I have collected over the stretch of 3 years.


Most likely a salaryman/business/sales man who at a large company works crazy hours. Work is his life. He eats, sleeps, and breathes work. Sometimes he often has nightmares about having problems at his office - Missing a deadline, going to work late, having a quarrel with his boss or coworker, etc. Sometimes, he often goes on business trips to Tokyo, nearby prefectures, or other countries depending on his company’s area of business. He goes to work at 9 am, finishes well past 9 or 10 pm. Most of the time has overtime, and after work, if his colleagues are up for drinking, he joins. Sometimes for work, he has business meetings which are held in girls bars. His wife knows this though because it’s a part of the job. He has to satisfy his clients by drinking and meeting their needs. However, some days he eats dinner with his family but sometimes he goes home by the last train and goes home when everyone is already sleeping. This cycle is repeated. A family man with barely any interaction with family, except for weekends. Sometimes not even on weekends, when he is busy with company golf tournaments and outings.


Stay at home wife, and normally caring for the kids. Often goes to the grocery store probably 3 times a week as she’s in charge of making dinner every day. Cleaning, washing clothes, and doing other household chores every day is the norm. Cleaning up after her kids as well as the biggest one in the house: The husband. She loves her kids and the house is her world. If she doesn’t work part time and doesn’t have too many kids, or if the kids are old enough to take care of themselves, she has time to do her hobbies: Yoga, Pilates, talking with friends at cafes, and most often, learning English. Etc. Etc. Most likely, this was her dream as a little girl. Unfortunately, she got married early, or to the wrong guy, and possibly hates his guts. Or maybe everything just changed after she had the first baby.

Lonely Japanese Housewives Last Image


Simply because she is not getting ANY. In her mind, the man became a part of a family. Another mouth to feed, and as mentioned earlier, another kid. I’ve heard of stories that everything just changes as the years go on. A hormonal change and psychological change that flips everything upside down which is possibly due to lack of time, touch, or all of the above. Anyways, SOMETHING changes and it leads to decreased sexual arousal from both partners. I see this even in my own country. I guess it’s a normal thing, and it happens. But it is even more evident in Japan where the whole society supports this kind of lifestyle. As mentioned earlier, this is a good sign for all of you cougar hunters out there who are searching for girls with a little more experience. If you have chosen to take up teaching as your step into Japan, there are many moms who go to English schools. I've even heard so many stories of other teachers banging their student's moms as an ALT. Anyway’s at the end of the day, there is a whole population for you to go at. Give them some spark in their stale lives and you could get something in return. If you are not weighed down by any moral baggage and won’t have an intense sense of guilt after “doing” them, you are on an island of paradise, my friends! By the way, if you’re wondering, I’m into older women, but I’m into single ones. So more for you! :)