Imagine yourself sitting in an izakaya after work in Japan. You are having a few beers and a bite to eat with your Bros. A typical chilled out boy’s night with a bit of banter to relax after a busy day. But you think to yourself what could make your night better. How would a group of girls (to chat up) delivered right to your table sound? If you are game, give an Aiseki Izakaya a go! For those who don’t know, an 'Aiseki-ya' is a type of izakaya restaurant in Japan that adds a twist of speed dating to the mix. You grab a table, order a beer and then get randomly matched up with a pair or group of girls. The izakaya does all the troublesome work of rounding the talent up for you. Absolutely no effort involved! This Aiseki-ya concept is recently one of the easier ways to meet girls in Japan. A very innovative alternative to picking up girls off the street or going to a Gokon. However, it does sound too easy to be true. There has got to be a catch right? Whenever I explain the system of getting 'Matched with random girls' to friends, they think the same thing. Maybe you bros reading this are too.

Aiseki Izakaya in Japan - Quality


As I stated in my last post on Aiseki-yas, it is like a game of roulette or lotto. Unfortunately, everything is out of your hands. Timing and luck (maybe even karma) plays a massive part in how your matches turn out for the night. To be honest, I have been screwed over by luck on a few occasions at these Aiseki Izakayas. But also had many opportunities to meet amazingly beautiful girls. So, I still have hope for this fun and innovative concept and have yet to give up. After a tiring series of trial and error, I learned that if you can't control something like luck then work on what you can. In this post, I will share how you can turn the odds to be in your favour. In turn, increasing your chances of being matched with a decent girl! These tips and tricks have come straight from the lessons I learned experiencing the good, bad and fugly of Aiseki Izakayas. Also, bits of insider information I received when befriending a former staff member. Before we get rolling, let's start with a bit more insight into the Aiseki Izakaya concept.

Aiseki Izakaya in Japan - System

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The system is very simple. Girls dine completely for free and the guys pick up the tab for the table, food, and drinks. Even though an Aiseki-ya is usually a restaurant, izakaya or café by trade, they aren’t essentially making a profit from the food and drinks. Tables are usually all-you-can-eat and drink. The food on the 'extra cost' menu is just cheap nibbles. The main point of profit for an Aiseki Izakaya is the half hour/hourly table charge they receive from guy customers to be matched with a girl. Their target customers are the 'paying' guys, and essentially the service providers are the female customers. The more girls they have in their store line-up, the more matching they can do. Therefore, resulting in more profit for the store. However, the downside to this business plan is that Aiseki businesses are completely dependent on these girls. They are not hired by the store and have no responsibility to show up ETC. So if there are no girls for the night, then that means they have to turn away 'paying' guy customers. Ultimately resulting in a loss of business.

Aiseki Izakaya in Japan - Trap


An Aiseki Izakaya needs their stock of girls as full as possible every night. Therefore they welcome everyone and anyone! and will not turn a single girl away. Even if a girl looks like Shrek, she is seen as just another matching that they can add to the stock. Compared to other match-making services and concepts, screening for quality is nearly non-existent. Anyone girl will do. Even if she looks like something from a horror movie, blatantly just coming for a free feed or just a downright bitch. Obviously, with each bad apple that gets through quality control without any checks, the odds for us bros just get worse and worse. Finding a decent girl turns from a game of roulette to one of those million dollar jackpot lottos. If you had the power to choose your matchups the story would be a little different. There is no one to blame but yourself if your pick turned out to be a bomb. But unfortunately, you can’t choose and it's so easy to feel really sour.

Aiseki Izakaya in Japan - When to Go


Seem’s like you can’t win right? Not exactly true. The first thing you need to understand is that the day of the week is a crucial point that can't be overlooked. It is easy to make the mistake of believing that the typical Friday and Saturday are the best nights to go to an Aiseki Izakaya. I personally would not recommend these days at all. Naturally, on these nights, there is an influx of girls out on the town and a steady stream of girls coming in. Stores would rarely have to worry about filling their stock of girls. Even if girls leave then, another group would most likely come and fill the gap. They may even be over-stocked and have more girls than guy customers to match them with. In theory, having more girls in the store means more of a chance that there is a quality girl somewhere in the line-up. Yes, true ... but as I said above, you can't see the line-up, you can only pray in hope of getting a decent-ish girl. What if I said that weekdays are guaranteed to have a higher percent of cuter girls? You would schedule a little better right?

Aiseki Izakaya in Japan - Weekdays


Without a doubt, I can say that the best days to go is on a weekday. In general, the number of people out on the town is low compared to the weekend. So naturally, Aiseki Izakayas are low in stock of girls. Yes, this means that there may be a really long wait time to get a table. And yes, you may even be turned away from some places as they don’t have the numbers to accommodate for you. However, Aiseki businesses know that they are losing business and they don’t just sit around taking it up the bum. When they are low on stock of girls, they take initiative and head to the streets in a type of recruiting called ‘Street Catch’ which involves the staff picking up and persuading girls to come into their store. If you are in Japan or have been to Japan, you would have seen one of those ‘catch’ guys standing in busy areas of the city trying to get people to their store. Some guys are trying to ‘catch’ people to come to their restaurant, some to come to dirty clubs. Aiseki Izakaya 'catch' guys are looking for girls to lure into their store to eat dinner with their male customers.

Aiseki Izakaya in Japan - Street Catching


When Aiseki Izakayas resort to this, you know they don’t have enough girls in their stock. They are highly likely to be ending up in the red for that night. If they can't make a profit from the number of matched groups, they have only one other option. They have to aim for quality. In other words, every single guy customer that comes that night is twice, even three times as valuable than a guy on the weekend. They need as many of these guy customers to stay in the store, paying for as long a length as possible. Obviously, a fugly girl won’t be any good at keeping a guy customer in his seat for long. Therefore when they recruit girls on a weekday, they specifically target only the cute, hot and sexy (or as many decently-pretty girls as possible). Quality over quantity. If you think about it logically, simple business right? Busy nights = More girls out on the town, more stock and can make a profit with pure numbers. Quiet nights = Fewer girls out on the town, low in stock and need to keep guy customers in the store as long as possible to make a profit. Recruit as many beautiful girls as possible. If you are paying the same amount of money, which would you honestly think is the better time to spend it? That’s right! Aim for the less quiet Monday to Thursday nights.

Aiseki Izakaya in Japan - Best Time


The day you go is definitely the most important factor when choosing to go to an Aiseki Izakaya. However, if you want to narrow down your target even further to a certain type of girl, you can amplify your chances by adjusting the time of the day you go. Let's say you are after University girls. 6PM ~ 8PM would be the best time frame. This is usually the time that you will find uni girls would have finished up with classes for the day and heading out to town. Also, it is the gap-time for these girls between finishing classes and going to a drinking party. Meaning that they are free until their plans start. They are more likely be open to killing time at an Aiseki Izakaya. Also less reluctant to say no to an Aiseki-ya staff trying to pick them up by ‘Street Catch’-ing. Now, let's say you are after working girls. 9PM~10PM is the recommended time frame. As stated above, the university girls would have started to clear off with their own plans and leaving room for the older working girls. This time frame is a very general time that working girls will finish up with after-work drinks. Of course, they have work the next day, so an Aiseki Izakaya would be the perfect carefree way for them to finish off the night without spending any money.

Aiseki Izakaya in Japan - Osaka Area


Another factor you have to consider when targeting certain types of girls at an Aiseki Izakaya is the area it's in. This has to be the most obvious factor but is quite often overlooked as drinking hubs commonly look the damn same. However, just like any suburban neighborhood, the surrounding area will directly reflect what kind of people hang out there. The nature and quality of the surrounding businesses, how big the nearest train station is, and just the overall atmosphere of the area are all important factors that will play a part in your Aiseki match ups. For example, if you are looking for university girls try an Aiseki-ya Izakaya that is close to a main train station that is frequently used for commuting to school. Older and more sophisticated girls, usually hang out at stores in the middle of a business district. Looking for party girls, then a store in a club district. And so on. Let’s take Osaka as an example.


The izakayas and bars are famous for being cheap with an extremely carefree and welcoming atmosphere. Awesome bustling nightlife with a slight tendency to be full of younger, upbeat and crazier people. There is a higher chance of getting younger ‘Gal’ type party girls at an Aiseki Izakaya in the Minami area.


Umeda is the transportation hub for working-class people in the Kansai area with workers coming from all different places for their jobs. You will get more of a variety of types here and a higher chance of getting a girl working in an office or business. Once again, this is not 100% by far, but knowing the areas well will save you from being matched up with a type of girl that you particularly don’t like. If you don’t know the drinking areas around you well, ask around. Do a little research. It may sound very stalker-ish, but checking out the type of guys and girls that go into the store before stepping in can very well make a big difference.


There you have it bros. A few pieces of advice to increase your chances of hitting the jackpot at an Aiseki Izakaya. As I stated in my previous post, in the end, it is like a game of roulette, lotto, whatever type of gambling you like. Luck plays a big part in things. But that’s the same for meeting girls in any situation right? You can’t control luck. But at least you can control when you go, what time you go and where you go. By understanding the system and doing a little bit of research you can significantly increase your odds of getting matched with a girl that you know will be worth your few thousand yen. Happy Aiseki Izakaya Hopping!

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