After first putting up our blog of a run down of the sugar dating scene in Japan, we have had a bucket load of inquires from you Bros out there who wanted to know more in detail about our personal experiences. Most specifically about “Universe Club” the largest and most exclusive members-only sugar dating match-making service in Japan that we featured. The only service fully catered for foreigners living or visiting Japan.
We got asked:
- How easy is the match-making process?
- What are the steps before the actual first date?
- What would I need to prepare?
- Is it actually worth the money?
- Are the sugar babies actually decent?
- What are the sugar babies looking for?
And the most popular question (and for good reason).
“Can you actually get a root out of it?”
Going through pages and pages of general information on the web can be tiring and misleading. So I thought what better way to inform all you Bros out there than to give you a raw in-depth review on my very first experience with Universe Club. And meeting my first ‘formal’ date with a Japanese sugar baby.
If you have stumbled upon this blog without a clue of what Universe Club is, check out the original introductory blog here.
Let’s get started!
Assuming that you have applied, passed the initial interview and meet the standards of a ‘Sugar Daddy’, you will first be prompted to choose a ‘Membership Class’. This class is not just a measurement of the sugar daddy, but also is connected to the quality of what sugar babies you will have access to.
Here are how the classes are divided for each membership type.
- Membership Fee: ¥30,000
- Annual Membership Fee: ¥20,000 (2nd year onwards)
- Date Setting Rate: ¥20,000
- Availability: Standard Class only
- Membership Fee: ¥50,000
- Annual Membership Fee: ¥30,000 (2nd year onwards)
- Date Setting Rate: ¥30,000
- Availability: Standard~Gold Class
- Membership Fee: ¥100,000
- Annual Membership Fee: ¥80,000 (2nd year onwards)
- Date Setting Rate: ¥50,000
- Availability: Standard~Platinum Class
- Membership Fee: ¥300,000
- Annual Membership Fee: ¥160,000 (2nd year onwards)
- Date Setting Rate: ¥100,000 (Tokyo & Osaka) ¥80,000 (Other)
- Availability: All Classes
Just like a credit card, each class has different fees for yearly membership and for setting up a date. Obviously the higher the class the more expensive the fees. The more you can pay the more of a variety and selection you will have when choosing a Japanese sugar baby.
Upgrades can be made at any time. Once you choose what class you want to enter, make the required initial payments and become a full registered sugar daddy. This is when the fun starts.
Once you are officially a member of Universe Club you will be given an account to their sugar baby profile database system. A massive network of more than 7000 profiles of sugar babies all throughout Japan. In Osaka alone there are more than 900 sugar babies available.
Here you can sift through profiles page by page, or even narrow down your search in more detail to a certain age, height, and even bust size.
In each sugar baby profile it provides un-edited, non-photoshopped real photos of the girls and their general profile such as occupation etc. Not to mention, their level of English ability and if they are up for a date with a foreigner or not.
In addition what preferences/requests they have when it comes to a first date.
For example:
- Most available days of the week. Time frame.
- What areas she can travel to.
- The food she likes/prefers.
- What food she doesn’t like/can’t eat.
- Smoker/Non-smoker.
- Drinker/Non-drinker.
Pretty much everything you need to know about them. Also a video interview (mostly in Japanese though of course) showing you exactly what they are like in real life.
All good and all to have as much information on the table before taking the plunge and dishing out for a date. However out of all the information provided the most important would be the sugar babies ‘Class’ and ‘Dating’ type.
Firstly, to explain your membership class in more detail, as stated above, classes are set for both the sugar daddy and sugar baby.
Sugar daddies can choose what class they want to be a member of by paying a certain amount. Whereas the sugar babies are allocated a class by the Universe Club staff. Universe Club states that sugar babies are divided up depending on their ‘looks, education and attitude towards the staff” at the first registration interview.
Naturally, the hotter, sexier and more popular girls are higher in the black and platinum classes. Just by looking at the large database you can figure it out pretty quick. Here is my interpretation of the class system.
Average girl that you can find anywhere. Some ok-ish girls in the lineup and a few gems (depending on personal preferences).
Slightly more decent than the average girl. Plus they have that something special that gives them the leverage over the standard girls such as a good talker, sexy body etc.
The type of girls that the ‘majority’ of people would agree and say ‘hot or cute’. In other words, a decent and fair quality choice in regards to looks and personality.
You know they are hot in one glance. And they know they are hot too. And includes sugar babies that have experience in work that requires looks and physique such as ex-models, cabin attendants etc
The next and probably the most important categorisation in the database is the sugar babies ‘dating type’. To explain it more simple, what exactly they are looking for and their main goal as to why they joined the club. The easiest way to understand the girls expectations when going on a date.
Quoted directly from the Universe Club guidelines, sugar babies are categorised with the following:
【Dinner Date Only】
Mostly looking to go on a dinner/lunch date or for light drinks. Not looking for any intimacy.
【After 2 or 3 dates】
From the 2nd date if the feelings are mutual it may turn into an intimate relationship.
【Depends on chemistry】
From the 1st date if the feeling is mutual it may turn into an intimate relationship on the day of the date.
【Highly Motivated】
From the 1st date if you are a real gentleman(warm and nice) on the date it may turn into an intimate relationship.
【No Transportation Fee】
I do not need any transportation fee since I want to concentrate on the chance of meeting with nice gentleman.
Obviously Universe Club is not a provider of sexual services, so they will not tell you directly. But after having lengthy chats with the staff and my own experiences I define the above as below. I’ll make it as simple as possible.
Sugar babies will just keep you company, and you give them a little pocket money. Getting ass is out of the picture.
Sugar babies will keep you company on a regular basis for pocket money. You have to put the effort in for ass.
The sugar baby will filter you first. If you pass and the amount of money is right, then there is a decent chance of getting ass.
If the amount of money is right. You’ll get ass. Simple.
Looking for a proper relationship. Completely out of the picture.
Now you have fully understood exactly how to narrow your sugar baby search. The final thing left to do is make a list of your candidates and request a date. All done through your account in the Universe Club system.
To request a date, or ‘Make a date offer’ as Universe Club calls it, all you have to do is add your candidates to a shortlist and fill out a form.
The form includes:
- Up to 5 preferences of date and time.
- Specific meeting place instructions.
- Requests such as formal or casual attire, dinner or just a coffee etc.
Once you send this off, the staff at Universe Club will contact your candidate (or candidates) on your behalf, and tell them a little about what kind of person you are. Most importantly they will do all the hard work setting up a time, date and place for your date.
Assuming the matching up of both parties schedules are successful, you will have your date reserved on the sugar babies schedule. If not, the Universe Club staff will negotiate with the sugar baby for you.
When things are finalized, the last thing you will have to do is pay the date setting fee by credit card, paypal, bank transfer etc. E.g ¥50,000 for a platinum class member.
Now when your date is concrete, there are a few things you will need to prepare in accordance with the advice from Universe Club staff.
First and foremost as a Universe Club rule, dates set by them must start with a get-to-know-you time at a restaurant, bar or cafe. As a rule of thumb, it is best to make a reservation in advance and also check your chosen sugar baby’s preference when it comes to dining. (Just so you don’t mess up).
Even if it is just a quick cup of tea or light meal, sugar daddy members must prepare some pocket money for their sugar baby. Between ¥5,000~¥10,000. Essentially, a money-based form of gratitude for taking the time out of their busy schedule to meet up with you. (Make sure to bring some form of envelope too!).
If in the case that your date ends up running past the sugar baby’s last train ride home, sugar daddies must pay for their sugar baby’s taxi to make it safely home.
Now that you are fully informed in the system and how Universe Club works, here comes what you Bros out there have been waiting for.
A raw and real review on exactly how my first date with Universe Club went down.
Firstly, when I first joined the club, I opted for a platinum membership. It wasn’t my first time sugar dating in Japan but a first using some sort of agency so I didn’t want to cheap out. Not to mention my final goal of joining was to find a sugar baby that I could have a decently lasting relationship with, and not just a one-off thing.
I narrowed my search to 3 candidates all based on looks, English ability and current occupation. One girl was an ex-flight attendant, another a current English teacher and lastly an ex-cosplayer.
In the end, being true to myself and trusty junior, I chose and requested a date with the ex-cosplayer based completely on looks and the fact that she was completely the type of girl I was looking for.
For privacy purposes, I will call her Ms H A 30-year old petite but young-looking elegant lady.
Sensing that Ms H looked more sophisticated than sugar babies in their early-20s, I made sure to make a reservation at a nice restaurant on a higher floor of the Hankyu Grand Building in Umeda Osaka.
A restaurant with private booth seats with a view overlooking Umeda for a more sensual atmosphere. Most importantly a central location in Osaka close to everything and anything for after dinner. Including hotels.
With my date all set, a prior reminder from the club the day before the date, I looked forward to and counted down to D-Day.
On the day of the date, I cut my last meeting off as early as possible and made my way to the meeting place I designated. The ground floor of the Hankyu Grand Building. 15 Minutes earlier than the set time, I waited for the phone call from Miss H.
Another rule of Universe Club, the sugar baby is given the sugar daddy’s phone number just prior to the date, and upon arrival, approximately 5 minutes before the meeting time, the sugar baby is to call the sugar daddy to notify him of her arrival.
Surprisingly, a little more nervous than I had imagined I waited for Miss H.
Exactly 5 minutes before the meeting time, I received a phone call.
Exchanging brief introductions, I managed to maneuver us both to the right place in front of the first floor elevator.
Miss H was beautiful. Exactly like the pictures and video interview I saw on her profile in the Universe Club system.
Once again exchanging brief self-introductions we took the elevator up to the restaurant and made our way to our reserved table.
Ordering drinks and food, we took some time to get to know each other a bit more, a rather haphazard mix of Japanese and English.
We both don’t drink, but over the space of an hour, and whilst munching on dinner, I learnt quite a lot about her. I found out that she was currently between jobs, joined the club with her friend and she didn’t say it straight of course but I could tell she was quite a popular choice with the male members at the club.
Making a few flirty stabs, I was impressed at how well communicated. It had been a long while since I had some decently attractive and fun and flirtatious company. Not to mention, she had that particular Japanese charm that many foreigners find attractive. She was elegant in her conversations and actions and knew how to in a way ‘look after’ a man by serving food, checking if I needed another drink etc. A charm you would find in more mature women, but with the Japanese characteristic of looking younger than her age. (She definitely looked like she was in her early 20s).
Near the end of the meal with dessert on it’s way, I made my move and brought up conversation on you know what. Just with the amount of communication and flirting we had, I had the feeling that I had my foot halfway through the door.
I am sure there are ‘proper’ or ‘more gentlemen-like’ ways to bring up the topic, but having experienced more casual sugar dating where negotiations are really up-front, I decided to go with a ‘did you want to go somewhere more quiet’ line.
I got the Go-sign and we left the restaurant, and went for a stroll and found a secluded and quiet bar. We ordered one drink (non-alcoholic as we both don’t drink lol) and had a brief chat about an ‘agreement’.
I really didn’t know what to expect so my motto for the date was to just go with the flow. I asked her directly how other male members usually went through things. Looking a little flushed, she told me that on these dates her base rate is ¥50,000. To be honest, it was a fair price. Also, that male members usually made reservations at a restaurant attached to a hotel, therefore making a hotel room reservation at the same time for this type of situation.
Here is where I made the big mistake of the night. I hadn’t prepared a hotel room in advance …. Lol
ANYWAY, that didn’t seem to be a problem as she was more than fine with a love hotel, and I had a few up my sleeve that I know are actually cleaner and more gorgeous than any regular hotel.
We made our way hand in hand.
I will leave out the details preceding this and leave it up to your imagination.
All I will say is that I had a damn awesome time.
Before leaving the hotel we exchanged line account information, and content and happy I sent her home by taxi. We had gone completely over her last train time :)
To be honest, I think I made a good choice, and as I stated above, I was looking for a long-term sugar daddy-baby relationship and I think I found a good candidate.
Now according to Universe Club after the first date, it is all up to us if we want to continue on with the relationship. Universe Club is just the cupid in the equation and anything after the first matching-up is the sole responsibility of the male and female parties. No more extra fees required to the club.
OVERALL, after my first ever date with Universe Club I replayed the whole experience in my head and came up with these lasting impressions. Putting all my biased opinions aside.
When your main goal is to get some action, compared to sexual services like a hotel health or soapland, even with the yearly and date setting fees, there is a high chance you actually spend less money overall finding that certain type of girl you are looking for. At a health or soapland, panel profile pictures are photoshopped, and there is more than a big chance of getting a dud. Rather than spending and investing the cash in going several times to one of these services looking for that needle in a haystack, going to Universe Club where the girl’s profiles are completely real and transparent, there is a higher rate of getting exactly what you want.
Universe Club does all the managing and arrangements for you. You don’t have to worry about doing the hassle of matching schedules and making confirmations as they do it all for you. No more having to deal with the tiresome back and forth catch ball of trying to set a date and time. In addition, they work very closely with both male and female members. Constantly making confirmations prior to the day of the date, cutting down any chance of being canceled on. Compared to doing things privately, with Universe Club in the middle, both parties are held to their obligations.
The bilingual staff supports foreign members very closely, giving advice and even detailed recommendations on who to choose and not to choose. Not to mention having a proper ‘membership’ system where both parties are screened and managed well, there is less risk and chance of you being taken advantage of. Compared to some sugar dating or even regular dating apps out there, with Universe Club as your protector you have the assurance that your information and you yourself will be protected if something happens to go wrong.
Universe Club and ‘Sugar Dating’ in Japan in general may or may not be your cup of tea. I know there are Bros out there that prefer to live solely off the ‘game’, Bros that are devoted to going to health services and souplands and some people like me who has his hand in everything.
So here are the recommendations on exactly who I would recommend and not recommend this service to.
- A Bro who doesn’t have enough time on his hands to go out and casually meet new girls but still needs female interaction. If you have the funds, this problem can be resolved with money. Not to mention you can save cut down the general “time costs” of dating in half.
- A Bro who wants to add some spark into his life. Not exactly unhappy with what relationship he has at the moment, but wants that extra female attention from a different partner in the most secure situation possible. A bro who wants to taste the thrill of a first date again.
- A Bro who is sick and tired of the dating culture in Japan and completely over the emotional stress that comes with regular dating. Throw away your emotions and just enjoy the company of a warm female partner with rules that you can negotiate and set as you wish.
- A Bro looking for some action as cheap as he can get it. Membership and fees aren’t cheap.
- A Bro looking for a serious relationship. Sugar babies are in this for the money. You will get your heart-broken.
- A Bro looking for a one-time fling. Sugar babies are mostly looking for long term daddies to support them as long as possible
All in all, going on a date with Universe Club was an exciting and really rare experience. Like I said above, sugar dating in Japan in general isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Some Bros can afford it and some can’t. Some Bros like the whole pick and choose theme, while others prefer to go out on the prowl.
However, through this review I hope I have answered as much of the lingering questions you Bros might have had out there in regards to how this service actually works! For me, I have definitely added it on to my list of regular things to do. I will definitely become a regular.
If there are Bros out there who are still sitting on the fence, this is your chance to give it a try!
Universe Club is always very welcoming to new users interested in their service. Check out there official website below!
On first contact tell them that you found them through Osaka Bros and the staff there will look after you super well!