When I first came to Japan, I knew I was going to experience new things: New food, people, and culture. However, I had no idea what to expect in bed. What Japanese girls were really like under the blankets and how different sex culture in Japan was. I soon realized that it's a whole new ball game. Scoring a Japanese girl is quite the experience, and may be a little different from what you know of. In this session, we'll talk about what Japanese girls are like in bed and what to look out for. So you succeed in pulling a girl into your room. Was it the dinner you paid for, your charm, or the alcohol that influenced her decision to come with you? "How is she like in bed?", you ask yourself. Fuck it. It's not important because she's here, and she's wet for you. Fast forward. Making out, "Deep kissing", they call it here. Her panties are off. All good. Your eyes are closed. "Feels fucking amazing" "But okay...what?.." "What the fuck is she doing?????" Here are some 'Under the Blanket' culture shocks you may encounter!

What Japanese Girls are Like in Bed Jungle Pussy


It's a Jungle (down there) We probably all know of this by watching a Japanese AV (Adult Video). Japanese girls are just so gorgeous. Good skin, soft features, great fucking bodies, but HAIR. And lots of it! I've only had one girlfriend who was "Paipan" or fully bare down there. She often went to a clinic to get her hair removed, but it was because she had insecurities of being hairy. It was great and super hygienic in my opinion. On a positive note, I believe that girls who are used to dating foreigners are usually shaved or trimmed. However, girls who are super traditional and Japanese just don't give a damn and leaves it all natural, otherwise requested by partner to shave off. I guess it just depends on the person, aye. I mean, it's alright, but I think all guys can agree that it's better if it's nice and clean. Landing strips are cool too. I have even heard on several occasions that it is bad luck to shave your pubic hairs. Maybe it stems from the idea that in the past, Japanese people would often go to "Sento" or public baths. Because being hairy and natural is so normal, a girl who shaved would be seen as a whore, or maybe just fucking weird, as in Japan "different" is not good. So in Japan, learn how to slurp your soba noodles properly!

What Japanese Girls are Like in Bed Licking


Licking in Places Never Licked Before This was a new one for me, but it's not all that bad. Coming from the U.S., my ex-girlfriends had not dared to lick my nipples. But in Japan, it's quite a normal thing here. All of the girls who I bedded had done this to me without me asking. It feels kind of nice if you ask me! Because of how we naturally have nerve endings that could be stimulated for pleasure are there. Also, when they did it to me, I learned how they liked it to be done to them. Take notes bros!

What Japanese Girls are Like in Bed Ear Job


Licking in Places Not Meant for Licking The situation in which I depicted above (at the beginning of this article) was one when a girl whom I dated at the time, gave me my first ear job. This actually wasn't too long ago. At this point in time, I've been in Japan for three years and I thought that I knew what Japanese girls were like in bed. However, this was a big one for me because this girl did it EVERY time. Surprisingly, it did feel kind of good but made me laugh like a little boy every time due to my hypersensitivity to touch. It tickled like crazy. However, and unfortunately for her, I think that my sexual tastes were a little too normal for her. Although it was nice...I think I'm fine without it.

What Japanese Girls are Like in Bed Shy


"Dame-Dame" High-Pitched Squeals When a girl is about to "Come" or "Iku", literally meaning "Go" (sex culture is all backwards here!), she WILL say "Dame! Dame! Dame!" which is like "No, no, don't do that!" and will expect you to continue while they say "No! No! NOOOOOO!" and then... the explosion of ecstasy happens (if they squirt). When you hear this, most of the time means that you're doing a good job. The first time I experienced this...I said, "ARE YOU OKAY?!". And then she asked me "Why did you stop?". "I swear I've heard this before", I thought to myself and proceeded. I, in that situation, remembered all the Japanese AV I watched up until today and it all came in a flash. During intercourse, I had an epiphany. It was about how many of the men here are attracted to younger girls and I suspect that they like helplessness. Also, forcing yourself onto someone with your passionate and deviant sexy here. Not to mention many Japanese girls' voices during sex, are not like pleasurable moans: They are more like nasally squeals of pain. To my speculation, I blame it on Japanese AV. Girls from a young age are also learning shit habits from mainstream porn. As a solution to this, you can just simply request them to not do that because Japanese girls place importance in their partner's wants and needs. It's a win-win situation. As she learns how to moan naturally as a response to pleasure, you will be harder and can concentrate on giving her the ride of her life. Everyone wins!

What Japanese Girls are Like in Bed Language Barrier


Language Cock-Blocks (barriers) The biggest shock of all was the lack of communication and awkwardness of trying to communicate during sex. For example, like this: "Okay, now put your face down on the bed...and okay...try to lower your put your "Bum" up...and "Ummmm". If the girl or you has a lot of experience and can flow with the motions... Good for you! However, the first time is always the hardest. It was for me. Leading your partner without words is probably an all around sexy thing but I feel this is an advanced form of communication or skill. If you get good at it, it makes you learn how to communicate on whole new levels, using gestures, and body language. So, in that aspect, it's good training. However, there are many commands and words that you can learn to increase the understanding. It will make the process smooth and stress-free - The way how it's supposed to be during sex. Learn the commands!


As you can see here, Japan is a new world and has a whole different culture when it comes to sex. Of course, it all depends on the girl and what they like to do. Not all girls did the same thing and had the same sexual habits. This is just a heads of up what Japanese girls are like in bed. However, if you need any tips and tricks of how to enjoy your sex life in Japan better, we'll help you out!